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will u add a code like in the original "tower defence?", or ur just gonna let it like that?

I might add it in the future but I am currently taking a break.

I have been cooking up a new update

ill be awaiting in the shadows

You don't need to wait anymore because it is out!

i tried (extremely quickly(just the sniper cuz im lazy)), dis good, but te sniper needs some buff, it can't even kill a single ennemey, exept if it's supposed to be a late-game tower and that it needs tons of upgrades to be good. anyways, any codes yet?(yes i know i beg on that but im too lazy to do run after runs to try evrything)

No codes yet. I will try to buff the sniper a bit later.

just tried it, it looks really cool, but when i place the 1st tower down, i couldn't place any other towers, no matter what they are. plus can u add a code like in tower defense?

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What do you mean by couldn't place another tower? You can also use the keys 1-6 to place towers, which is a thing that I haven't mentioned.

Also I am terribly sorry for any bugs with the icons in the game, the window size is different in unity than so I couldn't test fix it before-hand.

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Ohhh wait, you hadn't placed the tower yet, when the outline is white it isn't placed yet. I am gonna change that tommorow.

i did placed it, it was shooting and all

Huh, can you explain how exactly you managed to get this bug? I haven't been able to replicate it.

idk, i just placed the tower down, i tried to see if it did it again to axplain, but now it works, so idk what happend.

Okay, at least it works :D